Kvitåvatn Fjellstoge

A very comfortable mountain lodge Providing an informal and relaxed atmosphere in stunning surroundings. At 950 meters the lodge lies just within the tree line on a beautiful plateau with fantastic views.www.kvitaavatn.no Welcome to storslået and dramatic fjeldterræn just a few hours kørsel from Oslo and Larvik

Mountain lodge is in a veludbygget recreation area for mulighederne are many. The area designated "Destination Gaustatoppen". Foruden a large net af langrendsløjper, the area is increasing as an af the largest skidestinationer in Norway with regard to alpine anlæg.
In summer adapters are included fine vandreture in the area - not mindst trip to Gaustatoppen!

On Kvitåvatn Toge is pleasant, informal and Afslappet mood. Bomulighederne is very flexible and modsvarer most want and pengepunge.
